Life is beautiful , you obviously have no idea what the word "rape" means. If you are forced to have sex (of any kind) against your will - it's rape. It seems from what you wrote, if it's reported, it's rape - most rapes go unreported (a) because the victim is traumatized (b) they fear they won't be believed (c) they just want to get on with their lives because (1) people like you won't believe them (2) people like you will blame them (3) they just want to get on with their lives.

As for the mother "agreeing" to it rather than reporting it - that makes it OK? How about if your Mom put you (or a female relative) into a prostitution ring - hey that's OK too? Same thing here , Mom profits (because hubby is still around to support her) at the expense of an innocent 3rd party. Disgraceful and disgusting, she should be jailed as well.

I hope you (if you are female) are never in a situation like these children or that any female relative you have is never in a situation like this. The guy should have been jailed for life and compensation and counselling given to the victims.