
I'll never forget the time I went with a Qatari friend, who was wearing Jeans and a t-shirt, to City Center on a Friday just when the whole family day issue was first implemented.

We, 2 guys, were both stopped and initially denied entry.

Imagine the look on my friend's face at being told that he can't come into the shopping center... 'But I'm a Qatari' he shouted and pushed his way through.

You can read into that anything you want, but the main point I am trying to make is that Qataris just don't see the racism that is stirring beneath the surface of their perfect little world here in Doha. But the second they are victims of it themselves, they cannot believe that the world could be that unfair.

I honestly don't think that they can see and understand what is happening in their society. And those who do see that this place is turning into a modern day apartheid state, refuse to stand up to it.