
[removed by mod - please do not make personal attacks]

Energy from a point source reduces in proportion to the cube of the distance. If you use a mobile phone, you're going to blast your head with much more radiation than you'll ever receive at ground level from a phone mast.

There are no studies that indicate dangers from masts. Just scare stories, and politicians running scared, blabbing about the precautionary principle.

If you stand outside on a cloudy day, you're receiving more radiation from the sun than you would do from a year's exposure to a mobile mast.

And why the sudden panic? Why is it only mobile phone masts that are a danger? We've been living with radio masts for 50 years, and no one's been complaining about leukemia from them. You see, it's the "microwave" word that scares people. Like microwave ovens. Slowly cooking you. I can feel it. They're sending me messages. ALIENS!!!