I have never heard so much tosh, not just from qtel but from some people here.
1. Bad planning for capacity. The purpose of the internet structure is because damage encountered (e.g. cut cable) is treated as a rerouting issue (go around it).
2. Business is going to need more and more capacity to serve their needs, as will the public as Qatar government will move more services online. The capacity will limit future growth in this country.
3. The reason we have the big 3 internet infrastructure players of the world in Qatar and Egypt right now is to set up new connection to the backbone to dramatically increase the capacity.
4. Blaming p2p? Oh how childish. Will qtel be blaming the online gamers, the video streaming, qtels own internet streaming services etc. plain and simple: they did not think it through. I wonder when they decided that they must have censorship that someone didn't put their hand up and say "excuse me what will be the impact on bandwidth?” heck even the Aussie found that out!
5. I have had qtel engineer come out to my home when there was severely reduced service. Their engineers blamed it on whoever was digging up their cables in the road. BTW qtel were digging up their own cables!
6. I suspect this is a precursor to the now lousy bandwidth we are getting again. mmm did qtel lose another cable again?
7. The roundtrip to sites all over such as Europe and US has no bearing on the congestion. It’s the "last mile" pipe from the backbone to Qatar that is so poor. Once on the backbone then the data has the same access speed as the rest of Europe. If you all Google up the same issue that has occurred and still is in the UK. You will see they have the same complaints as we here.

ngouray nailed it on the head. Qtel is not up to the job. I would expect a country that has vast financial reserves and grand ambitions to be able to lead the world in the communication infrastructure. If qtel could put the same amount of effort in their work as other parts of Qatar does for its building projects (pearl etc), they would be way ahead.

I ponder that if discovery channel does their megaproject program on places here in the Middle East I know for sure that qtel and their internet services could never participate unless there was a wooden spoon award.
