I blame society and the PC brigade.

Society has put too much emphasis on obtaining a piece of paper, it used to be once that a child never really had to make a decision of what career the really wanted too pursue until they hit the 10th grade, now this decision is having to be made by the parents before they even start prep school and if you are one of those parents that don't care what your child grows up too become then your a bad parent. I hear all too often from people just let your kids be kids but I also hear these same people lament on the fact that little johnny (who is only 5 mind you) didn't get the marks on his report card that he should have, so they are sending him too a tutor. It's sad really when the truth is that society while saying let kids be kids, is also saying too them if you don't achieve good grades in primary school then how do you expect too get into a good High school and then get into a good University, Kinda sends a mixed message too them, don't you think??

The other group is the PC brigade they are the ones responsible for telling children they have rights!! Now I am not talking about the children that are genuinely physically and emotionally abused and really do need help, I am talking about the ones that could really use a good arse spanking, because they are genuinely insolent and too a point we can not blame the parents for this as the PC brigade took that out of our hands a long time ago by claiming that any striking of a child in any manner, constituted as abuse. I bet there a very few people that remember a time when police, if they caught a kid doing something illegal that only required a reprimand would do it themselves and send them home for another one by their dad, it usually was enough for those kids that didn't have major criminal tendencies to turn themselves around and not do it again. How many people remember "The Cane" at school? now all a teacher can do is send you too detention and honestly what does that really achieve , other than sitting in a room with nothing but your thoughts on how too exact your revenge on the very teacher that put you there, I mean what is really the worse thing that can happen too you if you do? you'll end up back in detention, Suspended (whohoo a four day holiday with no homework), expelled ( a sometimes permanent holiday even more time on your hands to cause trouble).
When the PC brigade stepped in and told children they had rights they didn't think about the fact that these kids don't yet have the real moral compass yet too make the right choices with regards too this. The truth is as parents we accept the pressure that society puts on us with regards too our children and for the most part we try too shield our children from that the best we can,because we as adults should be able too handle the situation better, but the trouble is with every generation that comes after due too these pressures, our children are becoming more aware at younger age so are burdening these responsibilities themselves without a word of too us as parents.

there is a great Aussie comedian, Andrew Denton who's catch phrase has always been "Society is to Blame." and when it comes to children, I totally agree.

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died....Chad Kroeger