It is easier to discipline your child if you understand their motivations.

From birth, the only way a baby can communicate is through crying. They cry for all sorts of reasons, however the response is always the same. A parent will come to them, and the parent will try to appease whatever reason the baby is crying for. This behaviour continues on even until the child can talk. Because of this, humans are programmed to realise that crying elicits a certain response from other humans, and that is usually a desperate attempt to fix the problem. Human adults manage to limit their automatic response to cry every time they are upset, however children are very clever. Children know what type of reaction crying gets, and they will usually unknowingly use it to their advantage to get what they want. Have you ever seen a child throw a tantrum? That is a child who knowingly uses tactics that will bring about a result that they want.
As a parent you have to sort out whether your child's cries need some genuine attention, and which cries should be ignored. Within weeks of consistently ignoring crying that is caused by the child not getting what he wants, you will find that he will no longer cry because of it, as it generates no response from you anymore. And when I say ignore the crying, I mean completely act as if it is not happening. Pay him no attention and continue doing whatever you were doing as if everything was normal.

NB: Boy babies are typically left to cry alone a little longer in their cots than girl babies, which perhaps helps to explain why as adults women are more likely to cry. The men have been somewhat programmed to realise there is not as much point in crying because the attention they sought, is not as readily given.