It’s amazing to hear people scream Racism at the drop of a hat. Get a grip people; this is anything but Racism. The City Centre is a commercial enterprise and they are well within their rights to practise a Business Policy that selects a particular kind of Customer; it’s called Freedom of Choice. In my opinion, it is important for everyone to be educated about their place in Society. As a Coolie, I consider it my social responsibility to be aware of places where a person of my class is not welcome and stay away from such establishments. I wouldn’t even dream of letting my curry-breath irritate the gentle nostrils and sensibilities of the upper class and make them gag on their High Tea. I also walk around with thorns in my briefs, these act as a very effective anathema to my libido by inflicting pain on even the merest beginnings of an erection; so voila: no ogling and no dirty thoughts either. I strongly support their entry policy as this will prevent my malodourous armpits from offending the highly educated and cultured of our society while ensuring that I do not succumb to my congenitally evil mind and bleed in my briefs. However, I would humbly request the management of City Centre to open a few widows at the rear of City Centre to serve our kind. That way, I could pay a Riyal, pick up a plate, queue for my bread, move over to the next window for my gravy, and move on into the dark. That would be just super!