I guess the political and religious threads are the strongest magnets in this community.

My answer to the original question...I would tell my child that she can't hate a group of people based on what "some" of them do...if your colleague at school is nice to you...be more nice to her/him regardless of what her nationality or regligion is.
If she buys you a gift on your birthday...be sure to save her birthday date on your calender and don't forget to buy her a great gift.

Do not hate anyone unless you try and try and try and try to communicate your hurt to them...tell them why you feel hurt by what they do and why their actions are keeping you from loving them.

War is an ugly thing. No baby deserves to die in return for a woman who got killed by a bomber...and vice versa.
In the end, different people are influenced by the cultures they are raised in...and from these cultures they conclude their own opinions about different topics in life...war,sex,education,work,religion...etc.

The best thing to do is to try to strip your mind off any biased ideas and prejedice against any group of people.

Jews and Israelis are very much unwelcommed and hated in the middle east...because people hear and see everyday from the media what Israelis do to their brothers and sisters.

In the western communities....muslims are also unwelcommed and hated...because people there see and hear from the media what muslims do around the world.

If you stand up for something...you will have to prove you are right...and you will have to suffer the consequences and responsibilities for your beleifes.

In the end...I would tell my daughter to refer to the Quran...it explain best all what I'have just said.