M.S - well i personally believe I help people because i want to, I dont do it because allah or some other god made me.
The problem is that religion makes out the humans by their nature are evil and MUST need religion to keep order. Athiests realise this isn't true and you have free will to choose to be bad or good.
Back to the plane issue, well obviosuly scientists dont do experiments on people!!!!! What happens is you have crash/accident reconstuction. Staticians collect data every year on how many people do things like skydiving, these could be civilians or militiary. Unfortunatly there are accidents, in some cases peoples parachutes have not opened but they have still survived. this gives you a probability of surviving falling from the sky e.g 1 in 100000 (that number is made up by the way)
Take car accidents - if you analysed a road where people kept dying - you would be saying - inshalla - gods will. Now if someone collects statistics they will find the junction that is bad, they will then redesign it to make it safer and then "miracle" less accident. i,e God wasn't angry with that roundabout/junction and let people die on it, it was their actions.
M.S - well i personally believe I help people because i want to, I dont do it because allah or some other god made me.
The problem is that religion makes out the humans by their nature are evil and MUST need religion to keep order. Athiests realise this isn't true and you have free will to choose to be bad or good.
Back to the plane issue, well obviosuly scientists dont do experiments on people!!!!! What happens is you have crash/accident reconstuction. Staticians collect data every year on how many people do things like skydiving, these could be civilians or militiary. Unfortunatly there are accidents, in some cases peoples parachutes have not opened but they have still survived. this gives you a probability of surviving falling from the sky e.g 1 in 100000 (that number is made up by the way)
Take car accidents - if you analysed a road where people kept dying - you would be saying - inshalla - gods will. Now if someone collects statistics they will find the junction that is bad, they will then redesign it to make it safer and then "miracle" less accident. i,e God wasn't angry with that roundabout/junction and let people die on it, it was their actions.