My main concern is actually when and how do I pay the tax. I myself, do not intend to return to live in Australia ever, but I generalised my topic a little because I know most people are in Qatar to earn money, and then return home. However I do intend to keep an Australian bank account. Do I lodge a tax return every end of financial year still, and for how long? Because obviously they will not have deemed me a non-resident automatically since they only figure it out on a case to case basis. Do I pay tax for 5 years, and then contact the ATO and ask whether they have decided if I'm a non-resident yet and pay me a rather large tax refund?
My main concern is actually when and how do I pay the tax. I myself, do not intend to return to live in Australia ever, but I generalised my topic a little because I know most people are in Qatar to earn money, and then return home. However I do intend to keep an Australian bank account. Do I lodge a tax return every end of financial year still, and for how long? Because obviously they will not have deemed me a non-resident automatically since they only figure it out on a case to case basis. Do I pay tax for 5 years, and then contact the ATO and ask whether they have decided if I'm a non-resident yet and pay me a rather large tax refund?