Clearly Lebanese don't 'ruin places' for themselves. They ruin them for me.
In the same way that bad drivers 'ruin' the roads, stray dogs 'ruin' parks, people talking on mobiles 'ruin' cinemas, people with body odour 'ruin' elevators and so on.
I'm stereotyping. Of course I am. We're talking about groups of people - demographics. It's all one big stereotype. When polls show that Obama has 60% approval and someone says "Americans like Obama"... that's stereotyping.
All I'm saying is I don't want to go to a bar full of fat, middle aged business men puffing away on smelly cigars while seemingly under the illusion that femals find that hot. I also can't stand middle aged, skanky Lebanese women wearing awful (and awfully tight) clothes.
Sure as individuals they may all be the nicest people in the world, but put them all into a bar and I don't find it pleasent.
Clearly the hotel has made the decision that this is the sort of business that it wishes to attract, and I'm fine with that. It's Market Economics 101.
It's the same reason I don't want to go to a bar full of English heavy drinkers putting away pint after pint and getting rowdy while watching the Premier League. I don't find it pleasent.
Clearly Lebanese don't 'ruin places' for themselves. They ruin them for me.
In the same way that bad drivers 'ruin' the roads, stray dogs 'ruin' parks, people talking on mobiles 'ruin' cinemas, people with body odour 'ruin' elevators and so on.
I'm stereotyping. Of course I am. We're talking about groups of people - demographics. It's all one big stereotype. When polls show that Obama has 60% approval and someone says "Americans like Obama"... that's stereotyping.
All I'm saying is I don't want to go to a bar full of fat, middle aged business men puffing away on smelly cigars while seemingly under the illusion that femals find that hot. I also can't stand middle aged, skanky Lebanese women wearing awful (and awfully tight) clothes.
Sure as individuals they may all be the nicest people in the world, but put them all into a bar and I don't find it pleasent.
Clearly the hotel has made the decision that this is the sort of business that it wishes to attract, and I'm fine with that. It's Market Economics 101.
It's the same reason I don't want to go to a bar full of English heavy drinkers putting away pint after pint and getting rowdy while watching the Premier League. I don't find it pleasent.