Tallg...implication of allow is your misinterpretation of the word...
Qatari girls for example, at thier own choice will not go to bars even if they were given the incentive! if you don't believe this, then it is your problem. There are exceptions ofcourse.
Do you really think you are good enough or wise enough or have the right to dictate what we should and should not allow?? is not this opression?
We have values, culture and religion which dictate our lives and it is our freedom to design it the way you like. Believe me, there is general consensus in our community about those issues which you oppose. You fail to se that apparently.
Tallg...implication of allow is your misinterpretation of the word...
Qatari girls for example, at thier own choice will not go to bars even if they were given the incentive! if you don't believe this, then it is your problem. There are exceptions ofcourse.
Do you really think you are good enough or wise enough or have the right to dictate what we should and should not allow?? is not this opression?
We have values, culture and religion which dictate our lives and it is our freedom to design it the way you like. Believe me, there is general consensus in our community about those issues which you oppose. You fail to se that apparently.