
why mobile fones, for example, where not invented long time ago? all materials available today to produce mobile fones existed centuries ago.

The human, producer of the mobile fone, manufactured pieces, put them together in very precise order, programmed them and then they could work.

If you take one small chip out of the mobile fone, it will stop working. Could this complicated structure, mobile fone, be implemented without someone, human in this case, put them together?

Aeroplanes, computers, TVs, Internet etc. None of those highly complicated and carefully designed systems could be a fluke. All parts cannot come together and form one harmonised system that works. a human is necessary.

Now, let us look at the DNA, which is one of the most complicated structures, this thing exists in pairs and i think there are four types. two types form a pair, the other two types form the other two pair. examining this structure, you won't find any of the two types making pair1 mix with other two types making pair two. This cannot be fluke.

Let us look at galaxies, sun, stars which is huge system. they behave within orbits and don't mix or hit each other.

Let us look at the human body. See how the liver works, how kidneys work, how eyes view, how mind thinks, how ears hear, how hearts pump etc.

All of the above examples are designed in such a way that could not be possibly put together without someone just like the mobile fones, aeroplanes, TVs, Internet and all.

You tell me who this someone is? or how did these creations, including humans, existed?