You do know that the same numbers of christians were murdered by muslims in turkey as palestinians killed by isrealis - so please quit with the victim mentality. goggle 'armenian genocide'
Gypsy - isreali settlers did use terrorism on the british - though it is very under-reported.
The problem with adhimijad is you dont know how much is sabre rattling/bluster to get votes, and how much is real hate.
The sad thing is everyone knows what isreal will grossly retaliate if you keep firing unguided missles etc so why keep doing it!!! instead of trying to talk around a table.
You do know that the same numbers of christians were murdered by muslims in turkey as palestinians killed by isrealis - so please quit with the victim mentality. goggle 'armenian genocide'
Gypsy - isreali settlers did use terrorism on the british - though it is very under-reported.
The problem with adhimijad is you dont know how much is sabre rattling/bluster to get votes, and how much is real hate.
The sad thing is everyone knows what isreal will grossly retaliate if you keep firing unguided missles etc so why keep doing it!!! instead of trying to talk around a table.