DHL charges me customs if value of goods is 2000 riyals or more. It's 5%.

In addition DHL tries to charge another 5% for "Legalization Fee" which is a fee charged to businesses. You then have to argue for a week that it's personal use to get it removed. Fedex is much more reasonable... DHL sucks but its what my shipper uses so I'm stuck with those turkeys.

Note if you have them deliver to a company address then they both will charge legalization fees. You must have them deliver to your home address. They will tell you they can't do it but they will.

DHL always says, "why dont you come here and pick it up?" THey are the worst courier company I have ever used... Imagine, paying $1400 US shipping and the courier tells YOU to pick it up. Unbelievable...Well that's it. Keep it under 2000 Riyals and dont have them deliver to your company address...