Hi smartflower,

so sorry to hear of your health, for many years i used conventional medications prescribed by my consultant, though after kidney failure and auto immune hepatitis in 2007 i decided to go my own way, the reason i feel the chiropractor treatment work is because the nervous system runs from the brain and down the spine, and the adjustments "unpinch" the nerves, and thus ease pain and suffering, but enough of that Dr Sharon is at Doha CHiropractic centre on the D ring road, and the mobile number for her is: 5474569 and her landline number is 4650012. they are extremely professional and it has helped me a great deal, though it is not a cure, and regular weekly or even twice weekly treatments are necessary.
As we know MS is a progressive degenorative neurological disease for which there is no cure, bearing that in mind, i personally feel anything that makes living with this wretched disease better is worth a try.
things i found usefull are green tea, which is good for everyone, kalawalla herb, to help regulate the immune system which so often is shot to pieces, and plenty of fish and fresh fruit and vegetables.
I am prepared to talk /chat to anyone who has this disease as sharing coping strategies often reveals things we may have overlooked, or indeed never even have thought of........also check out noel batten........he has a web site about MS, and alternative therapies, he is very christian minded, however it isnt necessary to be a christian to follow his techniques.
The thing to hold onto is "you never know unless you try"
hope this helps, stay positive and enjoy each day, and remember you are not alone with this.