I agree with duglas but i hasten to add that US economy fell apart because of the propensity of american traders to sell empty coupons on wall street and earn billions out of non-existent commodity.

What was orignally a promissing property/housing mortgage market went sour when the brighht boys of wall street repackaged the banks mortgage instruments into empty shares and traded these publicly in wall street. When the gas prices started soaring in 2007, small property mortgagors gradually defaulted on their loans and the repackaged shares went awry. Hence, the story of freddie mac and fanny mac that went really funny worldwide, with domino effect to boot.

The lessons from this crisis is pretty simple, stabilize crude prices and the greatest economy that is america will also estabilize. If america is unstable, the world economy will always be unstable. Hence, we go back to wall street which handles world crude trading. If the bright boys in wall street stop selling empty oil coupons (they call it futures trading) world economy will estabilize.

The story of alsboys presents the funny side of world trade and globalization, also the brainchild of america.