I know three of the families who this has happened to in the past three days, and speaking to one member was assured there was no known reason, there had been no violation of laws, nor or they being accused of any violations. No reasons are given. In the fall this happened to another family we knew - and some rather impressive connections with Qatari society, their ten years in the country and their lack of having done anything wrong made no difference - although they were given two months to pack up and leave rather than the initial 24 hours. The father was head of Qatar Little League until deported, so hundreds of families know this to be true. It's important not to blame the victims here.
I know three of the families who this has happened to in the past three days, and speaking to one member was assured there was no known reason, there had been no violation of laws, nor or they being accused of any violations. No reasons are given. In the fall this happened to another family we knew - and some rather impressive connections with Qatari society, their ten years in the country and their lack of having done anything wrong made no difference - although they were given two months to pack up and leave rather than the initial 24 hours. The father was head of Qatar Little League until deported, so hundreds of families know this to be true. It's important not to blame the victims here.