and it's to do with being part of religious group.

Tallg said "I don't think the authorities here take to kindly to people who are actively proselytising (which is fair enough)."

Which is fair enough?? Are you sure? Have you actually lived in the Gulf so long that you actually do believe that this sort of oppression is 'fair' enough?

Please don't give use the 'it's their country' routine either: mosques have been built across Europe and North America at lightning speed. In 'our countries' we have been frankly negligent in checking the kind of change that will come to assault our culture and traditions in the next forty years.

Happily, the actions of Muslim countries are seen - even if this does not make the newspapers, which of course this won't - and evidence of the tolerance of minorities within "Islamic countries" is there for all to see. When debate turns to freedom of religion in the Middle East, here are more facts to draw on.