Swearing by God who erected the sky
Swearing by God who spread the light
Qatar will always be free
Sublimed by the souls of the sinceres
Procede thou on the manners of the ascendants
And advance on Prophet's guidance
In my heart,
Qatar is an epic of glory and dignity
Qatar is land of the early men
Who protect us at time of distress,
Doves they can be at times of peace,
Warriors they are at times of sacrifice
Qasaman, qasaman, qasaman biman rafa' as-seme'
Qasaman biman nashraz.- z.iye'
Qat.arun satbaqa x.auratan
Tasmu birux.i l-aufie'
Siru' 'ala nuhaj il-'u
wa'la z.ia' il 'anbiya'
Qat.arun biqalbi sirat
'azul 'amjaad ul-'iba
Qat.arun ir-rajil al-'awain
X.aumatnu yaum al-inda'
Wax.amaymun yaum as-salam
Jawarix.a yaum al-fida'a
Qasaman, qasaman, qasaman biman rafa' as-seme'
Qasaman biman nashraz- z.iye'
Qat.arun satbaqa x.aratan
Tasmu biruxi l-aufi'e
ARABIC LYRICS (Arabic script)
Swearing by God who erected the sky
Swearing by God who spread the light
Qatar will always be free
Sublimed by the souls of the sinceres
Procede thou on the manners of the ascendants
And advance on Prophet's guidance
In my heart,
Qatar is an epic of glory and dignity
Qatar is land of the early men
Who protect us at time of distress,
Doves they can be at times of peace,
Warriors they are at times of sacrifice