once i had a mail, which had pics of israeli army ladies. i dont know wheather its true or not, but israeli girls were beautiful. what will u call it...brave beauties...in army...
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
once i had a mail, which had pics of israeli army ladies. i dont know wheather its true or not, but israeli girls were beautiful. what will u call it...brave beauties...in army...
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)