Thats the spirit Lei05. I have expereinced tht, Phils are good at heart. But difficult to enter thr(heart)...lols
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
Thats the spirit Lei05. I have expereinced tht, Phils are good at heart. But difficult to enter thr(heart)...lols
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)