Good day every body

I have been reading this thread for the last half hour, and when I came to the end I start laughing, for what has started as a simple religious question ended up in a political argument.
People, lets differentiate between Jews vs Israel and like wise Muslim vs Arab; hug differences are there.
To elaborate more; I am an Egyptian Muslim male; so it is my nationality, religion and gender. I respect Christianity and Jewish as a religion and as a true Muslim I should respect both.
I myself have one American friend and he is Jew; as well as lots of friends from different nationality their religion is Christianity.
We never had an argument because we know that no one is better to judge the others.
If there is one thing the 3 religion have in common, is that we believe in the existence of God and Judgment day; in that day, we will all stand in front of God and be judged for the good deeds and the bad acts; and I do not think that any of you consider him/herself without a sin.
On the other hand, I do hate the Israeliā€™s action towards Arabs for what they have done and what they are still doing, we have gone through several wars and I do not think that there is a house in Egypt that does not have at least one person who died in the war; so it is logical not to like them.
Finally, a question, why whenever Muslim, Christian, and Jew meet in one place everyone is trying to prove the others is wrong; mind you own religion, stick to what you believe in and try your best to look good on the judgment day.