Mandi...hats off to your knowledge....i recieved a mail, i thought of sharing with QLers....i dont know, its true or not.....
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
Mandi...hats off to your knowledge....i recieved a mail, i thought of sharing with QLers....i dont know, its true or not.....
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)