Funiculus U: sure, happy too...

"1) Bush is blamed for too much. Clinton started making mistakes by not 'altering' the way of doing business, not investing in alternative energy and not pumping money into new and developing markets." - Agree with you relative to the financial markets, we lost time under Clinton and it was he who started up the housing bubble with relaxed lending standards. However the foreign policy stupidity I leave squarely with Bush.

"2) Africa, especially Kenia, should have mourned the loss of Bush instead of dancing in the streets for Obama. It is likely that Obama will not be able to do as much, or invest as much, in Africa as Bush did." - I don't have a strong view on this. Bush did send a lot of money to Africa. BHO's decisions to send equivalent sums could get politicised. Beyond that I am going to dodge this question, it's not something I've considered enough to have a defensible view.

"3) Until today, nobody has given me a proper explanation why if Hilary receives the popular vote (the peoples) there are SuperDelegates that appear to have the power to overrule the peoples and by having a heavier voice enable Obama. Is that Democratic?" - Yes and no. Yes in that the delegate process as I understand it was democratically established. No in the sense that one would think the popular vote should always win. At a national level if that were the case Gore would have won in 2000... he had the pop vote, Bush the electoral college...

"4) America is directly responsible (together with the British, but this is historically) for the suffering of Palestinians." - Man a very sensitive one to say the least. Look it was the Brits who drew almost all the territorial boundaries that shape the whole region and I would cast the first stone at them, but could they have known any better back then? However America's - and US is not alone here - fumbling efforts at establishing peace without dealing with the absolutely essential need for a Palestinian State until recently is well recognised as having driven much of the resentment. The Palestinian people deserve a homeland.

"I still think that Hilary would have won from McCain, regardless of what pundits say." - in truth I voted for her in the Primaries (and I am from BHOs homestate in Illinois!) but she would not have drawn nearly the number of Independents and centrist Republicans BHO did. Who knows? The good thing here is neither of us can be wrong!

- Cheers

A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.