the tea boy or a labourer out there working under the SUN no one deserve what he is paid but again the circumstances made him to come and do and get paid what he is getting.
The poverty back home make a person to do not only the job but many other things which won’t be accepted by the society where people have JUSTICE
I agree that all the labourers come here on a contract and before coming they do sign the contract because in their own country the system is so pathetic and injustice is which do not allow them to even get one TIME MEAL so to feed their families
So the advantage is taken from people who know that the needy is always bowing to accept
But my question is that IS IT JUSTICE no it is NOT
As we can see that some places on the same planet labourers are given their full rights
God does not do that but yes WE DO THAT TO OUR OWN PEOPLE
They should be paid more V R READY TO PAY SOME ONE WHO CAN DO A JOB WHICH WILL PAY US IN MILLIONS but not to some one who serves US
the tea boy or a labourer out there working under the SUN no one deserve what he is paid but again the circumstances made him to come and do and get paid what he is getting.
The poverty back home make a person to do not only the job but many other things which won’t be accepted by the society where people have JUSTICE
I agree that all the labourers come here on a contract and before coming they do sign the contract because in their own country the system is so pathetic and injustice is which do not allow them to even get one TIME MEAL so to feed their families
So the advantage is taken from people who know that the needy is always bowing to accept
But my question is that IS IT JUSTICE no it is NOT
As we can see that some places on the same planet labourers are given their full rights
God does not do that but yes WE DO THAT TO OUR OWN PEOPLE
They should be paid more V R READY TO PAY SOME ONE WHO CAN DO A JOB WHICH WILL PAY US IN MILLIONS but not to some one who serves US