Pero, Por Dios!, que hab'ia en la cajita?
Igual eran simplemente unos caramelitos y estamos aqui montando un espectaculo simplemente por un se;or al que le sobraba un regalito y pens'o en darselo a una amable se;orita que le pas'o el peri'odico en un avi'on!!!!

Ms Venezuela, si le apetece llamele, y si no le apetece no lo llame, yo creo que la infidelidad es un poco mas que simplemente intercambiar unas palabras con una persona....

But, for God Sake!, whats inside the box?
Maybe it was only some candies, and we are here performing an espectacle just for a gentleman with an spare candies box, giving it to a nice madam who gave him the newspaper in a plane!!!

Ms Venezuela, if you want call him, if you dont want, dont call him, I think that infidelity is a little more than simply chat with somebody...

War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.