to read the article from purely a Western perspective. But...I couldn't help thinking that in Western society, Salama, the Qatari social worker in her thirties, would have a rather sweet and even rocking life. Good income, well-educated, able to travel with friends or alone. She'd probably do a fair share of dating and even play a few silly games with men before SHE decided to get married or start living with a man she loved. She might also be depressed and lonely sometimes, but people would still admire her for all that she has going for her. Of course this ideal is not without its own problems...
to read the article from purely a Western perspective. But...I couldn't help thinking that in Western society, Salama, the Qatari social worker in her thirties, would have a rather sweet and even rocking life. Good income, well-educated, able to travel with friends or alone. She'd probably do a fair share of dating and even play a few silly games with men before SHE decided to get married or start living with a man she loved. She might also be depressed and lonely sometimes, but people would still admire her for all that she has going for her. Of course this ideal is not without its own problems...