Taking into consideration majority of the comments and advice leaning on caution and friendly reminder and also around 2% of encouraging notes, I now lift everything to God. I pray for strength that I may hurdle this challenge on my firm conviction...I pray that God may cushion me once more from the pain of walking away from a possible turning point in my life. I may have been able to extinguish emotions or feelings of attraction in the past - sometimes, I think I have already mastered the art of denying myself even a glimpse of happiness, only to be surprised by a tinge of pain everytime I do so. It's like letting a dream die. But, I have also noticed that somehow, I succeed in banishing any emotions or attraction towards another person whenever I will myself to do so. It only takes a matter of time for me to be able to pick myself up again.

I feel comforted with the thought that if things are really meant to be, love will finally find me but I leave everything to God once more and shall approach things carefully - distancing a bit of myself from the object of my affection and maintaining a civil and professional relationship with him. It's better to maintain my status quo than to throw all caution to the wind and regret in the end.

Again, my sincerest thanks to all of you. If I falter in my resolve, I shall always open this forum to "re-charge" and boost my morale.