Is that so, MG? Hahahahahaha! Anyway, we better leave this post to the flies! He should open a stand-up comedy bar instead with him entertaining the audience just by opening his mouth and using all the few words he knows in his vocabulary. That would must have been better.

All I can say, before I finally leave this post is this, chineselover should take into account the population of the Filipinos in Qatar who could be his potential clients. With his condescending behavior, do you think the Filipino community would still go to his joint when Chowking will already be here?

Chineselover, with your "business acumen" coupled by your devious attitude, your business might sound good for the first few weeks or so but beware - once people have gotten over the novelty of your food, that is - if you will be able to serve quality and hygienic food at all without touching melamine tainted wares, then you just might go into flyswatting business.

Word of advice, if you are starting out a business, you have to have a pleasant attitude. You know why? In these fast paced times with many options for clients around, it's not actually the product that shall make you win clients - it's customer service and sincere dealing with all people.

Now, come on, MG. Yalla! Let's go! Let chineselover rant and froth in his mouth. He's nothing but an infinitesimal being who must have landed on the elephant's back to make him think he and his country are over and above us.