People keep mentioning pay her what she is worth, but only Diamond managed to sound like an empathic soul.

In reality, a maid is worth the wage of almost any other low office worker, minus the board and living costs, yet plus the extenuating circumstances of living abroad, potential 24 hour on call, and the restricted freedom.

Expats here seem to get offered better benefits, simply because they are coming in from overseas, yet a maid who is also doing this, but who is also not allowed to socialise, nor leave the premises by herself, and has to deal with employers who think calling her husband once a week is an adequate level of communication between a husband and wife, is given pittance. Who of you reading this would be happy isolated in a house, with only the family you serve for company, and 1 call to your spouse a week?

When you pay your maid enough to be able to easily afford her own food and luxuries, then you can start complaining about the extra soap and drink she requests. Just because she seems to accept her position as an underpaid staff member, doesn't mean it is what she is worth, and doesn't mean it is right.