The Tea Boys have more power than senior managers as they have the tactics of getting things done easily. They add that special love dose that keeps the Big Boss well in hand.

About the rest, M.B.A, Engineering - Who cares ! No one asks these qualifications here. In most companies its " WASTA aka Influence, 2nd Family Connection eg: Husband getting Wife's Brother, Wife's brother getting his wife's brother etc. Its a nuclear chain reaction where work positions are exploited. Most of the times, the guys on Big chairs have 1 major aspect - Which is LUCK ! In other words (Naseeb or Kismat) which means Destiny & Fortune.

I see it daily and I have learnt to live with it. Do you know why ? In this present situation I need a Job, they might not need me. So go with the flow. If LUCK is good and you are confident about your self. Good Fortune is on the way !!