I meet my friends last night who bough 1 bed room apartment around 120 m2 with UDC and they moved in 2 months ago and they paid for the connection fees only 12.000 Qat. i told them about FQ story and they were surprise and they said something wrong with FQ, they told me how come we pay only 12.000 Qat to UDC for connection fees and FQ charge more?
and i asked them to send to my e-mail the papers for connection fees, i hope they will send ASAP.
Dune, camelme, pinelands and all FQ Costumer :))
I meet my friends last night who bough 1 bed room apartment around 120 m2 with UDC and they moved in 2 months ago and they paid for the connection fees only 12.000 Qat. i told them about FQ story and they were surprise and they said something wrong with FQ, they told me how come we pay only 12.000 Qat to UDC for connection fees and FQ charge more?
and i asked them to send to my e-mail the papers for connection fees, i hope they will send ASAP.
Guys, let us go together to FQ office ...
HUH.. what a life...