i started off from the start and skipped the next page just to understand where this topic headed.

Ok.. while everybody is expressing their feelings let me speak what i felt.

The guy (white, black, orange.. i don't care) was indeed insensitive, not for any particular religion but as a human to another human. (Please look at humanity first before religion.. i know it's tough for some but without human there is no religion).

now the act of the Boss to rush for number plate to use it later to get the man arrested was also insensitive.. (so it seems the BOSS believe in tit for tat) Like a little boy running to complain momma that somebody bully him and took his candy.

now, i was bit suspicious about the word torture, torture the WHITE guy frequently said. i am sure he might had said something more than that unless he was in some kind of mission to say only 2 words.. torture.. torture.. are we getting unbiased, fully story here or censored cooked story??

no further comments unless we get the full story. meanwhile people will keep throwing trash on each other..
remember.. guns don't kill people.. it's people who kill people.