The information below is from Qatar Goverment Online (Hukoomi), Citizens & Residents, Homeowners, Letting & Subletting Your Properties. Just found it while surfing. Hope this helps.

The new Law No. 4 pertaining to leasing property, introduced on 16 February 2007, applies only to non-furnished property that is leased for the purpose of residence or commercial / industrial use. Under this law, you are entitled to raise the amount of rent by 10% of the agreed amount stated in the lease contract every year. After the contract has terminated, the tenant must vacate the premises as agreed. If the tenant does not vacate the leased premises or delays in doing so, then as a landlord you have the right to demand that the tenant move out of the property and pay for damages incurred.

If either party wishes at any time to end the lease agreement, advanced notice must be given - 15 days for contracts less than 3 months, one month for contracts less than 6 months and two months if the contract is more than that. The notice must be given in writing unless agreed otherwise by both parties.

Should you need to request the tenant to leave the premises before the contract ends, you can do so inr one of the following five circumstances:

1. If the tenant does not pay the rent after 10 days from its due date without a

valid reason.

2. If the tenant sub-lets the leased premises or gives them up to someone else

without written permission from the landlord.

3. If the premises are used in a way that is contrary to public order, etiquettes

or in a manner that is harmful to the landlord’s interests.

4. If the tenant has never occupied the premises or closes them for more than six

months without a good reason.

5. If it is proven that the leased premises are prone to collapse and

may endanger the safety of the residents.

If you, as a landlord, transfer the ownership of the leased premises to someone else, then the lease contract will continue to be implemented and the conditions in it will be applied as agreed upon previously.