Abuamerican, if you eat tuna, you are consuming small amounts of mercury the same goes for other fish, especially those high up the food chain.

You may want to look up something called the LD:50, this is the dose at which 50% of subjects (usually rats or rabbits) will die, from this the maximum safe exposure is determined.
The upper safe dose for *most* mercury compounds is 4mg/kg/day. Despite what mr "AHH THE VACCINES ARE WORSE THAN SMALLPOX" up there says, the body is able to metabolise and excrete a small amount of mercury.

Of course the hazmat cards have strict precautions to take in order to minimise exposure to mercury, note the key word, MINIMISE, it's just about impossible to eliminate exposure to it, just as it's impossible to minimise exposure to ionising radiation.

Here's a toxicity review on mercury for you to read if you can understand it, although i suspect you will just cherry pick the review to death.

Here's another fun fact for you, Apricot's contain a compound that releases cyanide when eaten. OMG A SCIENCE TEACHER JUST SAID SMALL DOSES OF CYANIDE IS SAFE!!!

While I'm here, someone mentioned Tamiflu, and I totally agree it souldn't be handed out like candy, infact the British government *ignored* advice not to hand it out in the manner they have chosen too. As for the effectivness of Tamiflu, it's pretty damn poor. The Cochrane review (http://mrw.interscience.wiley.com/cochrane/clsysrev/articles/CD001265/fr...) shows that only 24% of people are likely to have their symptoms reduced, not bad, but the NICE review (http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/TA168fullguidance.pdf) gives us a bit more useful data, showing that you are likely to feel better only 16-17 hours sooner on Tamiflu versus placebo.

Regardless this doesn't take away the fact that vaccines have eliminated Smallpox, reduced the level of TB to a trickle, wiped out Polio everywhere but a few countries, and give me nearly double the lifespan I would have had only 150 years ago.