Whiskas or Purina is fine for your cat or you can buy Royal Canin from the vets - mine will only eat the Purina dry biscuit! Feed your cat what it enjoys but don't give them too much meat - once a day is more then enough as long as they have clean, fresh water and dry biscuit available all day long. As a treat you can give your cat a can of tuna in oil every now and then which they love and is really good for their skin and fur. It keeps it shiny!!
You shouldn't need to bath your cat but you might need to brush him if he has long hair.
The vets will tell you how old the cat is, which vaccines it needs and when, when you should get him castrated, how often he needs deworming etc.
Whiskas or Purina is fine for your cat or you can buy Royal Canin from the vets - mine will only eat the Purina dry biscuit! Feed your cat what it enjoys but don't give them too much meat - once a day is more then enough as long as they have clean, fresh water and dry biscuit available all day long. As a treat you can give your cat a can of tuna in oil every now and then which they love and is really good for their skin and fur. It keeps it shiny!!
You shouldn't need to bath your cat but you might need to brush him if he has long hair.
The vets will tell you how old the cat is, which vaccines it needs and when, when you should get him castrated, how often he needs deworming etc.