Everything I wrote above is humor because the clip is funny.
Yes, BlackSea Princesses as you rightfully pointed out, a balance can never be struck in polygamy, Allah says so. Those men, who don't balance in everything, even a kiss mind you, will come on the day judgment dragging half their body in unbalanced justice.
However, did you notice that you drew a very good comparison between Muslim Eastern men and Western men, noting that mostly it's the men who seek new partners and or cheat with mistresses?
I'm actually far from condoning polygamy but does anyone else notice a pattern in male behavior? Again I ask is it a coincidence that God designed men's bodies, millions of sperm cells to one egg a coincedence?
Whose body goes into a pre & post gestation, while the other remains fully active and NON inconvenienced?
Let's also take into account a mothers bonds that are arguably stronger than a fathers bonds and is more hands on rearing the family, which is more evident after breakups; The majority of cases, the mother sacrifices her personal aspirations and happiness for her children while the father goes off gallivanting in a midlife psychedelic swirl.
I'm not talking about if it's fair or right or acceptable or bringing even bringing religion into the mix.
I'm curious about nature and how each of the sexes is designed physically and emotionally different.
Is it then a coincidence that the polygamous allowance is 4-1. Moreover I hope i can find and source the predicted ratio of 4:1 because as uncomfortable as it is to the women readers, surely this can't all be coincidental?

If it is part of mans nature, or what appears to be a response to the call of nature if proven that women outnumber men, then can we say that polygamy can be a solution for those who enter in with a different set of ideals?
Surely if man beckons to the call of nature wouldn't it be cleaner and fairer that he marries rather than plays around or does it with no structure that could forfiet his wife's rights....I didn't say feelings, I said rights.
I notice, it's often perceived or argued that marriage is a man made institution....But when you approach it cohesively, it is indeed a very important yet vital contract.
You need only to look at the odd demand Gays have for a legal marriage contract to realize the importance of a binding contractual marriage is between man and women, AND Gays don't create offspring.
So that goes doubly for marriages that do responds to with every humans natural urge to reproduce children to only see how important a contract is in a natural marriage ; notice I referred to nature & not the man made notion of marriage.
Maybe we can take a step further and say that marriage isn't the source of conflict because it's a binding simple contract of logical commitments.
Maybe love is the issue causing the problems and it is the man made notion that has been crippling the minds of women universally?
"But you said you loved me"...."if you loved me"..."But I love you" do you see where I'm going with this?
It's the impossible Holy Grail to maintain for some, and often has its Disney like foundations get shaken for most.
When you look at that clip you see sad women and you base their sadness on man made ideologies that make a woman dependant on another persons control.
So Can we argue that these women are unhappy because they based their happiness on love and another persons validation, their husband?
Seriously why should a man be the end when a relationship governed by the pull of nature. The fact is IF they appear sad after they entered a polygamous marriage which they did knowingly but got confused along the way and Who's to even say IF they are unhappy? To me they look like they badly need an Oprah makeover, a shopping spree and a LIFE!
Why don't women approach a marriage as a means to an end and never an end itself? If someone argues that they ARE unhappy then it's due to the life sucking barriers of the mental self imposed slavery of being at the whim of a man emotions. Notice the wife he referred to as his buddy seems to get the point and she doesn't look unhappy at all, She looks like she has it all figured out. The others probably cater to the jealousy demons every now then out of boredom but not reason. What they should be doing is taking control of their feelings and subsequently living a more productive pragmatic life while being part of a contract that when you take away the man made frou frou is really just legalized sex with paternal responsibility.
I think when women adopt this mentality that's when they become happy by starting to love & value themselves for a change, more importantly fulfilling aspirations they probably never thought they had.
Ironically this is when they get what they want when the switch occurs and the man voluntarily suppresses his nature and settles into the familiar comfort of the one woman he chooses - call it love if you want, To me I see it as a psychological decision and not the change of a mans nature.