Why the outrage over a few of the countries rules...
Who cares if your skirts have to be a few inches longer or you have to wear a t-shirt instead of a tank top.
Now tell me is Anna Wintour going to snub you vougeshness??
Is the world going to stop turning? Are you going to be less of a woman because of it? Does your happiness and core existence depend on it? No No noo!
So with all due respect, suck it up and stop whining.

I mean seriously why is it human nature to always want more? There is an Arabic saying that goes 'kill mamnou marqhoub' which translates to 'all that’s prohibited is craved'.

You must take into consideration that alcohol is a recent import to Qatar, enforced on the less than thrilled majority of Qatari's.
Why can't women just be thankful for what they have and that goes for some of the men as well.
It's not like they've asked you to wear an Abaya like Saudi? Many people here on QL have lived in Saudi and loved it.
Why? Because that was that, limitations pre-drawn and the rational part of the human psyche kicked so everyone makes the most of it.
There is always the option of Dubai or Muscat or Kuwait for next contracts. I assure you I'm not saying this with malice but with a solution seeking choice you all have the power over.
Instead of coming back at me with the wrath of your sharper than razor comments, just think about it...
So stop trying to, or expect Qatar to change into your own culture, just respect theirs and appreciate the things they've tolerated thus far.
But Seriously....Anger over skirt lengths!
Don't you think that women world wide have bigger challenges and points to prove as a unit in society, or in equal opportunity in work, instead of moaning over skirt lengths and sundresses.
You are in Qatar a Muslim country as very welcome guests there's no need to try redecorating its culture.