To all the above users who are posting comments against the mother and the way the accident happened , you are all basing your comments on wrong article which was corrected the second daY IN THE SAME NEWS PAPER WHO PUBLISHED IT .

As a family to the child killed we would like to ask you to show some dignity and respect to the life of the child and the pain of her parents whom you are all causing more pain to them .

Kindly remove your comments or correct them based on the right facts ( The mother was holding her child hand in one hand while she was carrying another younger child in the other hand , she asked the driver to stop and so he did then , he barely gave the mother a chance to pass to re accelerate and hit the girl few cm away from he rmom whom watched her daughter getting killed infront of her eyes )
You have no idea about the pain you are causing by posting your comments , once again based on false information

As for some comments accusing the mother to be talking on the phone , SHAME ON YOU , and for the last time you are asked to remove the comments as we are intending to take legal action against any wrong information pulished in the media .

And the author of this article is responsible for publishing wrong information and she is asked to act responsibly and correct her information as i sent her in private message all my contacts in case she needs to repair the damages she has caused .