Eco-savvy... I didnt know you are a Pakistani until you wrote this, coz this phrase is quite pravelent in Pakis...
would like to bring it to your considration that the words u have spoken is also a shirk...
Allah has not given this right to anyone to point towards faith of a Muslim, he held this right to himself...
May Allah guide and enlighten us. Ameen
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Eco-savvy... I didnt know you are a Pakistani until you wrote this, coz this phrase is quite pravelent in Pakis...
would like to bring it to your considration that the words u have spoken is also a shirk...
Allah has not given this right to anyone to point towards faith of a Muslim, he held this right to himself...
May Allah guide and enlighten us. Ameen
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill