Casanova: You were kind of starting to earn a grudging respect from me in your search for alternatives, till you started looking at people's origins more than their POV's.

Dude, it does not help you prove anything by saying someone is from some part of the world or the nation. On the contrary it just shows how shallow your thought process is. Why dont you focus on the topic of debate instead of trying to judge people based on where they are from?

Similiar to what you said, I have more muslim friends than any other faith in India. (and yes, I found Nic's comment offensive, but I would still maintain that its a public forum and he has as much right to state his POV as you or me) Have fasted with them and broken fasts with them. and have maintained a respectful stance whenevr they were praying/ folowing their religion in any way. Does that mean I am betraying MY beliefs about the presence/absence of God? I dont think so. They did not force me to pray with them or follow their faith. Neither did their prayers OFFEND me. and thats why I cannot understand, from where I stand, why a REMOVED verse (about a goddess) from the national song should OFFEND you. Nobody is asking you to sing it.(Even the Vajpayee Govt in 1998 said it wasnt mandatory and nobody should be forced.)

All you are being asked is to respect it as its the national song, (cauterized to an extent where the religous overtones have been removed to the max possible).

Still, if you cant respect it, fine. Follow the democratic process and strive to change what you cannot accept. Ofcourse it will take effort. That is what you call RESPONSiBLE. Not BOYCOTTING and inciting to BOYCOTT.

No marks for guessing why some think tanks still talk about lack of assimiliation of the community to the mainstream.

Adey: Quite interesting that. Thanx for sharing.