The easiest way to keep a cat on a controlled diet is to feed her something like royal canin that will tell you on the back exactly how much to the last gram they should get each day!!

At QAWS all the cats have one of the double bowls that holds food on one side and water on the other. They get a full bowl of dry biscuit in the morning and they just eat what they want during the day and then one meat meal in the evening - about 1/4 of a can of meat - and their biscuit topped up again for the night. If they get a bit on the tubby side then we don't give them second helpings of biscuit in the evening!! Unfortunately though to get them to lose weight they need to increase their exercise which is normally the hardest bit - most of ours are lazy critters that refuse to do anything then eat and sleep!

But then if you have more then one cat you've got no hope of watching how much biscuit they eat cos they'll just steal from the others!!