That's WRONG Tutor1!!! I had to attend court ordered defensive driving classes back in the states. I distinctly remember that what ur saying is WRONG!!! Let me first start by stating some facts I didn't know before attending this class. Fact No.1,,,The number one cause of accidents "in the world" is not being on cell phones or speeding or even road rage. Believe it or not it's ---civilians trying to enforce traffic laws----!!! That was a shocker to me at first but according to the instructor who was also a former Cop, it is absolutely the job of a trained police officer to ensure that drivers obey traffic laws and under no circumstances are you allowed to stop someone from breaking the law,,,so (((NO))) you cannot stop someone from speeding or block a certain lane unless ur a cop, needless to mention the Qatari laws clearly state that slower traffic HAS TO yield to the right far most lane. In fact I personally saw the traffic sign for it in some roads in Doha!!! Fact No.2 Traffic laws r made to control and curb drivers breaking the law but they r not means to eliminating violations all together,,,thats achieved through *****. For example unless a road is monitored on a point-to-point basis, speeding cameras r there only to control how much u can speed....I know it sounds funny but thats what the rules say!!! Fact No.3 the law DOES take into consideration the “condition of the driver” and “the condition of the car”. Examples, if u r driving an old junkyard car up a steep hill where u’d be slowing down traffic it’s a violation!!! If ur a less experienced driver and u expose urself to road conditions beyond ur driving skills such as sleet, rain, snow and (((and traffic jams))) u could receive a citation….btw. On a more personal note there’s definitely a BIG difference between a skilled but reckless driver and a BAD driver. A skilled driver breaks the law often and endangers the life of others but attains special skills that might help him avoid accidents. A BAD driver on the other hand breaks the law while being either unaware of the fact they he broke the law or he lacks required skills necessary to avoid any accidents. Look u seem to have a lot of pinned up aggression towards Qataries…..fess up dude whats the REAL source???
That's WRONG Tutor1!!! I had to attend court ordered defensive driving classes back in the states. I distinctly remember that what ur saying is WRONG!!! Let me first start by stating some facts I didn't know before attending this class. Fact No.1,,,The number one cause of accidents "in the world" is not being on cell phones or speeding or even road rage. Believe it or not it's ---civilians trying to enforce traffic laws----!!! That was a shocker to me at first but according to the instructor who was also a former Cop, it is absolutely the job of a trained police officer to ensure that drivers obey traffic laws and under no circumstances are you allowed to stop someone from breaking the law,,,so (((NO))) you cannot stop someone from speeding or block a certain lane unless ur a cop, needless to mention the Qatari laws clearly state that slower traffic HAS TO yield to the right far most lane. In fact I personally saw the traffic sign for it in some roads in Doha!!! Fact No.2 Traffic laws r made to control and curb drivers breaking the law but they r not means to eliminating violations all together,,,thats achieved through *****. For example unless a road is monitored on a point-to-point basis, speeding cameras r there only to control how much u can speed....I know it sounds funny but thats what the rules say!!! Fact No.3 the law DOES take into consideration the “condition of the driver” and “the condition of the car”. Examples, if u r driving an old junkyard car up a steep hill where u’d be slowing down traffic it’s a violation!!! If ur a less experienced driver and u expose urself to road conditions beyond ur driving skills such as sleet, rain, snow and (((and traffic jams))) u could receive a citation….btw. On a more personal note there’s definitely a BIG difference between a skilled but reckless driver and a BAD driver. A skilled driver breaks the law often and endangers the life of others but attains special skills that might help him avoid accidents. A BAD driver on the other hand breaks the law while being either unaware of the fact they he broke the law or he lacks required skills necessary to avoid any accidents. Look u seem to have a lot of pinned up aggression towards Qataries…..fess up dude whats the REAL source???