Every body know in all world that Qatar GOV people broke the rules and no one pay the fine.

But this just show that even if development and money cant buy the social life, cultural behaviors and respect of others.

I meet many nice Qatari people but to be honest all this is older then 40 years...young people is arogant, childish, using his position to treating others, thinking that they can make whatever they wont and justkicking out of country someone who pass his ways and say NO.

This was happen in many develop country before and be sure soon or later right judge will come. Not from god I dont wait god. (this is my [private life)
and I see many primitive behavior from people in uniform or in some positions where they show exactly what people here ex-plane. Small, cheap and low culture behavior at social life, street and driving.

ANd at the end all this crazy life on street finish soon or later with fatal death.

Law and all this crap what giving to people must be respected and all people doesnt matter police or not, uniform or not must pay. Im 100 % sure that no one from this pay this bills. No one.

And only one way to ignore this is to drive normal, looking your self and going as soon is possible away from this country and find more nice cultural place to work and live. Qatar is so sorry for real and true for social life one dead city.

Few bars, few nice meeting place and all others is big shit full of primitive poeple without minimum of tolerance, respect or one nice word...Hello, yes, you can park here, or you can go in front of line in bank if you are really in hurry...

So small to have happy day.

And at the end if Police kick me out they cant never never take something from me...my opinion and my freedom in mind...I sleep well. They NOT.