True is that Qatar still don't respect international law regarding modern slavery with Indian and other nationality poor people.
Also at my work I have more then 100 Indian people who get 600 QAR salary monthly and bad food...and Im from Europe and they pay me 50.000 QAR !!! Where is the respect!!! please don't speak about respect and equal law.
REad forum regarding traffic violations of Qatari people.
When they pay this bills I will pay mine. I'm happy that I don't have it now. But trust me if I get it I will pay it to respect law and social life.

Is this respect of Qatar companies. Why I mention Qatari company !!!

Obviously law order 51 % must be Qatar owner. And where is the respect of International business law?

Please take a walk, take a drive, involve in some primitive behavior of young Qatrian boys like I have few days ago...
and then start speaking about respect.

I have driver license more then 26 years and I fall down 2 times until someone dont tell me pay to Sudan man and they give you driver license and I pay...
what will be if I go to police and say corruption? Nothing they kick me out of Qatar and then? I call Osama? No.

I stay, live and work in so many countries that number 50 will be small...and I know one basic rule:
in any country is good and bad people.
Respectful and primitive.

True in Qatar is that more then 60 % of any contacts is humiliate and not respectful from locals...

I was working 2 years ago here and I come back.
Just for one reason. SALARY and work.

NO this money that I will live or buy house here.
Social life, social behavior of Qatar is dead.

My opinion so sorry.