Im sure that response is of course just from Indian nationalities but we here dont blame no one but saying that Indian people making 90 % of accident.
Whats wrong guys from this? The same in Italy most accident statistics say make Italians not strangers.
But here in Doha so sorry (admin if you are INdian please do nto delete my post like before) this is the cruel reality. Why? Like I say and this is just my personal opinion if you like it or not, just look at street how they drive. And I dont ask for camera location for this reason. Im here 3 years and I respect rules. Just one fine for wrong parking and this in Villagio. Police go around and putting sttickers but never never they put one at toyota if Qatari is inside. Dont delete the posts who speak about this and other irregularity in Doha.

Then close the forum if you censure everythings.