I was just thinking about this, this morning and luckily remembered to do a search for older threads first - before Wolfie scolds me. :-0
Anyways, why do bad things happen to good people - is the question many people ask, even those who believe in God.
OP - "Sometimes events in life are very disheartening and makes men believe that even to people who are good, the return is not always good. So why should we be good in this world."
Most (not all) of the OP above sounds familiar. And I'm not a Muslim.
The fact that we who believe in God know that this life here is short and transitory world should make us realize that however bad things get here, we will move on to the eternal.
To those who are doing bad, their chance to repent is here before it is too late. How will they know that there will be a tomorrow for them?
The reason why some nasty pieces of work live long lives is God's mercy that allows them time to realize their errors and change. They don't realize mercy staring at them in the face and carry on, blindly assuming that they're getting away with their nonsense.
/This thought is following from one of my statements I made a few days ago on "Mother's" thread.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
I was just thinking about this, this morning and luckily remembered to do a search for older threads first - before Wolfie scolds me. :-0
Anyways, why do bad things happen to good people - is the question many people ask, even those who believe in God.
OP - "Sometimes events in life are very disheartening and makes men believe that even to people who are good, the return is not always good. So why should we be good in this world."
Most (not all) of the OP above sounds familiar. And I'm not a Muslim.
The fact that we who believe in God know that this life here is short and transitory world should make us realize that however bad things get here, we will move on to the eternal.
To those who are doing bad, their chance to repent is here before it is too late. How will they know that there will be a tomorrow for them?
The reason why some nasty pieces of work live long lives is God's mercy that allows them time to realize their errors and change. They don't realize mercy staring at them in the face and carry on, blindly assuming that they're getting away with their nonsense.
/This thought is following from one of my statements I made a few days ago on "Mother's" thread.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.