It was a friend looking for a Reception class for September, so limited choices. She didn't want to go straight into a 'big' school as her daughter is quite shy, especially after the move here. She tried The English Kindergarten but it's not, as advertised - British/Western Expat Managed. Also they say british curriculum (ELG). In actual fact my friend is coming from the UK and knows that the Early Learning Goals are an aspect of the EYFS which is the British Curriculum, obviously if they don't know that then maybe they're not actually running the British Curriculum. They were very cagey about discussing staff qualifications also.

Having said that I don't think it's the fault of the Doha Mums as they would have been given the info by the KG themselves. I think the Doha Mums website will be great, they're off to a good start and I'm sure will just keep getting better.