Thank you all for your support . This is a lovely park and in the early afternoons there is almost nobody - so one can feel as having a private park .
We spent there some nice days with sweet memories . I remember last year some mums club made there Easter egg hunting there for their kids and it was just fun to see them with those lots of flowers around .
We were even planning to move to the area -as this little park was so attractive and within walking distance .
But now I am rethinking the plans of moving and I am excluding some areas ... for fears of being treated as a "christian" ..
Thank you all for your support . This is a lovely park and in the early afternoons there is almost nobody - so one can feel as having a private park .
We spent there some nice days with sweet memories . I remember last year some mums club made there Easter egg hunting there for their kids and it was just fun to see them with those lots of flowers around .
We were even planning to move to the area -as this little park was so attractive and within walking distance .
But now I am rethinking the plans of moving and I am excluding some areas ... for fears of being treated as a "christian" ..